Call for workshop

The 4th International Solution Focused Conference invites proposals for workshops that align with the conference theme, “Bridging Borders: Global Perspectives on Brief and Solution-Focused Practices.” Workshops should address innovative and practical applications of solution-focused approaches in diverse cultural, geographical, and interdisciplinary contexts.

Possible Workshop Tracks:

  • Cultural Adaptations in Solution-Focused Practices:
  • International Collaborations in Brief Therapies:
  • Cross-Cultural Applications in Clinical Settings:
  • Global Applications in Education:
  • Digital Solutions: Technology in Brief Interventions:
  • Solution-Focused applications in Coaching and Mentoring


Submission Requirements:

  • Title of the Workshop: specify a descriptive title of your workshop.
  • Track Selection: Choose the most relevant workshop track from the listed possibilities.
  • Presenter(s) Information: Provide names, affiliations, and brief bios of the workshop presenter(s).
  • Workshop Abstract: A concise description (300 words max) of the workshop, including the learning objectives, activities, and how it aligns with the conference theme.
  • Target Audience: Specify the intended audience for your workshop (e.g., practitioners, researchers, educators).
  • Requirements:  Clearly state any specific equipment or space requirements for your workshop.


Last date of submission: 25th January 2024